Frozen Throne
hehe... Snow Bebeh, oh oh... well, mmg selalu dah tgk snowy scene cam tuh through movies and tvs, but it wont be the same when u actually there.. pera’ sungguh.. haha syioookkk..
hm... I thot it will be extremely cold there so I wore 4 layers of shirts and 3 layers of pants.. but huh, tak de la sejuk sgt, berpeloh jugak kat atas tu…
nway, thats Falls Creek, at Mt Beauty, located in New South Wales... :) bila balik jer semua jadi mengadeh, sini ssakit situ ade syakit, ntah nyer, semeter snowboarding 2 kali jatuh, semester lagi 3 kali lagi jatuh… huh… bila laa nak terrer nih…