:: sleepless dreamer ::

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Whats on Earth is .NET?

Today, i was palying with Visual C++ Express, which i discover it is sooo different from VC++ 6.0.. to me lar.. when is keep digging on which C++ platform im gonna use i read about .NET.. i've heard it b4 but dunno whats it mean..

And so that i know now, which is,

.Net is a set of building blocks that allow you to develop desktop, mobile and web applications that run on top of Microsoft Windows operating systems. These applications can easily intercommunicate with applications and systems running on different operating systems using industry agreed protocols. It provides the developer with flexibility in terms of the programming languages with which they develop the applications and costs nothing to install except for the cost of the operating system licence.

- Quoted Martin Spedding


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