:: sleepless dreamer ::

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dark Portal

Lately, i spent most of my time at Arathi Basin, where Alliances and Hordes are fighting for the overwhelmed resources there. yet, im fighting a losing battle. hordes keep pushing and pushing to gain control all 5 resources farm lands, gold mines, the famous blacksmith center, largest mill and stables.

Maybe im not strong enough. so I wandering away from that battlefield. then I stunned to see the legendary gate, the Dark Portal. Where its all begin here, the gates that connect Azeroth with Dreanor, homeland of orcs.

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Alternate World : World of Warcraft

Its been quite long since i was away from WoW. now, the time has for Nujum to get beck in action, World of Warcraft.

Warlock, its very tricky class to play. Need to be micro manage quite tough, esp when u summon out suc or felhunter. Hehe..

Guess now Nujum hav to go to Battleground.. later!