:: sleepless dreamer ::

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Eleanor

today i was thinking about 'eleanor'.. well obviously not my girlfren.. eleanor, as suppose u hav heard in Gone in 60 Seconds lah..

then, i realize that for malaysian, we hav to pay approx a quater of our salary (ni org yg baru je sebulan keje) for monthly installment car loan.. even if for some of mid range car (price) is almost the same for a price of 3 rooms flat house!!! what? u want to live in ur car? y la, malaysia car so expensive! nway, what car i should buy eh, gen-2 or myvi?

and in 5 yrs time i shall get my Eleanor.. wanna see her picture? tadaaaa!!!

hahaha.. i wish..

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Wonka's Candy

yum, hehe, i got this last dec when i went to Melb.. unluckly, i couldnt find the infamous 'Wanka Bar' which has sold out at that time.. nway, this one i GOOOOOOODDD as well!! it totally beats Cadbury.. hehe..